Nadja-Christina Schneider
Institute for Asian and African Studies
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Research Interests
- Media and Society
- Gender and Mobility Studies
- Urban Studies
I am currently professor of Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region (GAMS) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (W 2, fixed term). My disciplinary background is in South Asian and Islamic Studies as well as Modern and Contemporary History. I specialize in Area Media Studies. My research interests include cultural and urban studies, mobility and gender, secularism and religion as well as new media configurations. In 2016, I was a visiting professor at Heidelberg University (W 3, Chair of Visual and Media Anthropology) and a Feodor Lynen fellow at the University of Delhi in 2015. In 2019, I was a senior research fellow at the DFG Center for Advanced Studies “Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities” at Leipzig University. I am co-speaker and the HU project leader of the BUA-funded research project “Beyond Social Cohesion – Global Repertoires of Living Together” (RePLITO, 2021-2024). I am the responsible editor of the biannual ezine GAMSzine ( My homepage at IAAW:
Selected Publications
- Nari Shakti and the Nation: Visual Imagery and Mediation of 'India's New Daughters' in the Framework of Muscular Patriotism. In: Fritzi-Marie Titzmann/Nadja-Christina Schneider (eds.) (2022). How to Live Together? Circulatory Practices and Contested Spaces in India.
- Why 'Living Together''? Introduction, Part One. In: Fritzi-Marie Titzmann/Nadja-Christina Schneider (eds.) (2022). How to Live Together? Circulatory Practices and Contested Spaces in India.
- "Heritage Diplomacy. The cultural policies of transregional infrastructure projects in Asia." Concepts and Repertoires of Living Together., March 2022.
- Special Article Collection: Imaginations, Narratives and Mediated Performances of Solidarity and Community, ed. by Nadja-Christina Schneider and Maitrayee Chaudhuri (2021). RePLITO digital knowledge archive & Doing Sociology. Berlin/Delhi.
- Repro-Dramas on Screen: Mediating Surrogacy, Split Motherhood and Reproductive Tourism in India to German Television Audiences.
- Present Absence of the 'Other Mother': Documentary Images and the Communicative Figuration Surrounding Gestational Surrogacy. In: Nadja-Christina Schneider and Fritzi-Marie Titzmann (eds.)(2020). Family Norms and Images in Transition. Contemporary Negotiations of Reproductive Labor, Love and Relationships in India. Nomos: Baden-Baden, pp. 33-53 and 55-74.
- Tea for Interreligious Harmony? Cause Marketing as a New Field of Experimentation with Visual Secularity in India. Working Paper Series/Multiple Secularities #20, Feb. 2020.
- Crossmedia Flows of Documentary Images and the Transnational Communicative Figuration Surrounding Gestational Surrogacy in India.
- Nadja-Christina Schneider/Carola Richter (eds.). New Media Configurations and Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Asia and the Arab World. Nomos/Bloomsbury, Baden-Baden 2015
- Nadja-Christina Schneider/Fritzi-Marie Titzmann (eds.). Studying Youth, Media and Gender in Post-Liberalization India: Focus on Sexual Violence, New (Im)Mobilities and Evolving Gender Identities. Reihe: Internationale und interkulturelle Kommunikation. Frank & Timme, Berlin 2014