Ulrike Freitag
Professor, Director
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Freie Universität Berlin
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Freie Universität Berlin
E-Mail: zmo@zmo.de
Phone: +49 (0)30- 803070
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)
Kirchweg 33
14129 Berlin

Research Interests
- Indian Ocean connections
- Port cities of the Indian Ocean
- The Arabian Peninsula in the Indian Ocean environment
- Urban and cultural history
Ulrike Freitag is a historian of the modern Middle East and director of Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in conjunction with a professorship at Freie Universität Berlin (since 2002). She obtained her PhD in 1990 from Freiburg University with a thesis on the intersection of ideology and historiography in Syria in the 20th century. After teaching briefly at the German Open University (Hagen), she became lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (1993-2002).
Selected Publications
- A History of Jeddah. The Gate to Mecca in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Cambridge University Press 2020.
- ed. with Jeanine Elif Daǧyeli and Claudia Ghrawi, Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds, Religion and Society in the Context of the Global, De Gruyter, Berlin 2021.
- ed. with Randa Aboubakr, Sarah Jurkiewicz, Hicham Ait-Mansour, Spaces of Participation. Dynamics of Social and Political Change in the Arab World, AUC Press Cairo 2021.
- (with Philippe Pétriat und Martin Strohmeier): La Première Guerre mondiale dans la péninsule Arabique… en quête de ses sources, in: Arabian Humanities, Themenheft "Circulations dans la péninsule Arabique pendant la Première Guerre mondiale", No. 6, 2016, online 8. August 2016.
- (with Nelida Fuccaro, Claudia Ghrawi, Nora Lafi): Urban Violence in the Middle East. Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State, Berghahn series Space & Place, Vol 14, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015, 334 S.
- With Noel van den Heuvel: Religion und Pandemie. Staat, Religion und Gesellschaft in Saudi-Arabien und Iran in der Coronakrise. In: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 46;3 (2020), 494-506. Cosmopolitanism in a Global Perspective. The 2019 Annual Lecture. German Historical Institute, London, 2020, 24 S.
- The History of the Hajj as Heritage: Asset or Burden to the Saudi State, in: Burkhard Schnepel, Tansen Sen (Hgs.), Travelling Pasts. the Politics of Cultural Heritage in the Indian Ocean World, Brill, Leiden etc. 2019, 62-78. A Twentieth-Century Merchant Network Centered on Jeddah: The Correspondence of Muḥammad b. Aḥmad Bin Ḥimd, in Journal of Northeast African Studies 17;1 (2017), 101-130.
- Scholarly Exchange and Trade: Muḥammad Ḥusayn Naṣīf and his Letters to Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, in: Michael Kemper, Ralf Elger (ed.), The Piety of Learning. Islamic Studies in Honor of Stefan Reichmuth, Leiden, Boston (E.J.Brill), 2017, 292- 300.