By John Njenga Karugia
We were privileged to host our four international fellows this past Summer Semester and partly Winter Semester. During their stint in Berlin, we held a Silk Roads Roundtable session where we discussed various research approaches to study the Belt and Road Initiative and updated
each other on our various research projects.

The fellows were, Prof. Dr. Adams Bodomo from University of Vienna, Austria; Prof. Dr. Zaman Muhammad from Quaid e Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan; Dr. Ibrahima Niang from Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal and Ms. Hifza Irfan. They shared perspectives from their current research in Senegal, Pakistan, Ghana and China. Dr. Ibrahima Niang also gave a Silk Roads talk on the 25th of October. The talk was titled ‘The Digital Silk Roads in Africa: How the Chinese Huawei Group is Rewriting the Future of Technologies in Senegal’.

Mrs. Hifza Irfan also used her fellowship stint to give a Silk Roads Talk on her doctoral dissertation on the 28th of September 2023. The talk was titled ‘Smart Technologies, Road Safety and Reflexive Motorization in Pakistan.’